Dita from Secret Number, Aria from X:IN and E.JI from ICHILLIN’ come together to form Triple iz. Will this be the ultimate global girl group to rule them all?
Triple iz : Road To Debut New episodes every Tuesday 6PM KST on ALL THE KPOP. Extended episodes and exclusive previews every Wednesday 8PM KST on the ifland app.
#Tripleiz #Dita #Aria #EJI
Triple iz Fan Lounge https://app.ifland.ai/ifhome_tripleiz
Triple iz Instagram https://www.instagram.com/official_tripleiz
Triple iz Twitter https://twitter.com/TripleIz_twt?s=20
ifland Global youtube https://www.youtube.com/@iflandglobal
Triple iz Streaming Square 1 http://link.ifland.ai/UYGi
Triple iz Streaming Square 2 http://link.ifland.ai/RNPj